vision & foundation

‘A world where people make change happen
because they feel their feet
and know their own hearts’

It feels good to have found your purpose, to be contributing to positive impact. But somewhere along the way you got stuck, frustrated, or simply lost that passion you had. With a sense of urgency in your bones, it might feel like there’s no time to get to know yourself more deeply, and reflect on your situation.

Here is an opportunity to start to
see this differently. That, unless your life is under direct threat, investing in yourself is the smart thing to do. You will see where you make the difference, where to focus your professional energy, and how to face adversity without losing your balance.

Becoming an effective changemaker is a personal journey.
But it is part of a global movement - one that acknowledges that today’s complex problems need us to turn inwards as well, transforming the way we relate to ourselves and those around us.

‘If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.’

~ Joanna Macy


This programmes are strongly influenced by these bodies of work, and the people behind them:

The Work That Reconnects - Joanna Macy
Narrative Coaching - Dr. David Drake
Deep Democracy - Myrna Lewis & Yonathan Keren
Leela School
- Eli Jaxon-Bear and teachers
The R.A.I.N. method
/ Power of Awareness - Tara Brach

Also used in the programme: The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell; systems thinking; Carl Jung’s personality archetypes and Shadow Work.