Questions & Answers

  • The term activist has different meanings to different people. If the programme speaks to you, then that’s what counts! To me, an activist can be anyone who feels in their gut that something is wrong and harming people, animals or the planet, and who makes a conscious decision to try and change that.

  • You can always register for a free 45-minute session. You have no obligations afterwards and do not need to explain yourself. That will already give you some clarity and insight around your issue.

    Then, maybe in the future, when your situation changes, you can decide to join a programme.

    Also, soon we will be starting up free wormshops and webinars to introduce specific topics. Just register for updates at the bottom of the page to stay posted.

  • Group formats includes (facilitated) sharing with others. The 1:1 trajectory allows for a deeper level of transformation, as we can go into your specific situation more.

    Some people want to dive in deep straight away and/or simply prefer working 1 to 1. Others might choose to join a group first to get familiar with the work, and then deepen further through a 1-1 programme.

    Get in touch to discuss what would work best for you/your organisation.

  • If the programme appeals to you, then perhaps that says something. You can always register for a free chat and we can discuss your situation.

  • We will be organising open groups, most probably starting summer 2024. If you want to stay updated, please subscribe to the newsletter (bottom of this page).

  • Yes, you can book coaching sessions for short-term support. You can use those sessions in any way that is useful to you. Feel free to book a free session first to see if this is for you.

  • The Smart Activist programmes combine guiding inner development, which is form of coaching, with practical insights to apply in your day-to-day life as a changemaker. The goal of coaching is generally to feel better. The goal of the Smart Activist is become effective (and you’ll feel better as a result :-)).

Your question not here? feel free to get in touch.