When putting yourself first serves the world

What if sometimes you need to make selfish choices, to give more to others in the long-run?

In this interview Michelle Obama talks about having a higher purpose, and how it evokes guilt for fear of ‘leaving others behind’. This clip gives the example of young folks getting the chance to lift themselves out of poverty, and then give away their hard-earned resources too early, undermining what they have started to build.

‘…and then everyone loses’

Though circumstantially different, this core principle inspired The Smart Activist. When you have a higher purpose in creating a better world, you can feel guilty for investing in yourself, because other people have it some much harder, or the problem out there is too urgent for you to take a breath...
But I believe in the value of first putting yourself first. That could mean you need more self-care and simple rest. But it could also be time to explore your internal beliefs and biases that stand in the way of flourishing in your job. Rather than acting from not-good-enoughness, guilt, shame, panic… you can learn how to act from a certain abundance, wisdom and balance.

It's not an overnight formula. (And not meant for emergencies). I see it as an attitude that evolves and slowly builds, and can start to change how you show up in the world.

Do you relate? Where might you resource yourself more, to build resilience for the storms?

Do you want to learn how to be effective in the long-run? I offer you a free consultation session to address this. You can book this on my website.


The uncomfortable gap between achievable and unachievable